Grandview Project From the Beginning-Day 1

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David H
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Grandview Project From the Beginning-Day 1

Post by David H »

Grandview Project, From the Beginning

DAY 1: Notice of Grandview Public Hearing

We received a Certified Letter letting “some” individuals that lived next door to land that was scheduled for conversion over to so called, “Solar Farms” know there would be a town meeting on 12/12/19.

This was THREE YEARS after Orion started signing up farmland in the area.

Upon receiving this notice we went to the Town Hall and asked to see a “Copy of the proposed application as well as the list of names in the filed Affidavit

We were informed by Donna Burrows, the Town Clerk Treasurer, the only thing she had was a “map” of the proposed locations.

We made two attempts to see “more data” then simply the map, but were told the same story by the same person each time. All they had was the map, so I took photos of the map with my cell phone.

A copy of "The original Notice" is posted below in a PDF attachment you can download.
Grandview Zoning Appeals 12-12-19.PDF
(33.94 KiB) Downloaded 466 times
We are also posting a link to the original map that I took photos of. You can click on the image to enlarge it and then click on it a second time to make it even larger. Every place where you see a "Parcel Number" represents a piece of farm land that was supposed to contain solar panels instead of crops.

That map also displays multiple "Flood Zones" plus there are multiple LARGE drainage ditches that feed into a local creek and then the Ohio River. It seems many solar developments seem to appear close to creeks, rivers and other sources of water, for some strange reason.

The map is located at: ... 84006F.jpg
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
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Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:17 am

Re: Grandview Project From the Beginning-Day 2-5

Post by David H »

Day 2-5

I conducted “some” research on the Internet to find what little information was available on “Solar Farms or commercial fields” before I preceded to contact an attorney from a large law firm in Evansville, Indiana and made arrangements to have him, or an associate that specializes in property disputes, represent us during the town meeting.

I found a few websites reporting fires involving and/or started by solar panels.
I also found a few reports of toxic chemicals that I investigated.

Remember, this was 2019 and not much information was available back then, because this solar invasion was just beginning to gain steam and many of the big tech such as Google, Microsoft, etc were supporting commercial solar projects so they could get "energy credits" to appease the "Green" crowd of brainwashed young people.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
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Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:17 am

Re: Grandview Project 12-12-19 pg 1

Post by David H »

On 12/12/19, the day of the Town Meeting, 4 hours prior to the meeting, our attorney called us and informed us that after talking with John Wetherill, (the attorney representing Grandview) that his firm could NOT represent us, due to a conflict of interest with Vectren. This was before iVectren was called Center Point.

At that point, we were unable to find another attorney on such short notice, so we went to the meeting alone.

Fifteen Minutes before the meeting was ready to start, Donna Burrows informed me she “found” the paperwork I was asking about.

So I quickly took a “few” photographs of the paperwork before the meeting was called to order. Those images are posted below.

1: Notice proving that 30 days prior to the meeting Donna Burrows and John Wetherill were recipients of the paperwork I had been asking to see.
notice 30 days prior to the meeting listing Donna Burrows and John Wetherill as recipients of the paperwork I had been asking to see.
notice 30 days prior to the meeting listing Donna Burrows and John Wetherill as recipients of the paperwork I had been asking to see.
20191212_162442.jpg (2.05 MiB) Viewed 128797 times
2: Part of the "Application for a Special Exception"
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3: Grandview Solar Project Narrative:
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4: About Orion: At this time and point, Orion had NEVER built a solar development anywhere in the world, yet they were about to get permission to build the SECOND project in Spencer County, Indiana. By the way, according to my research, they STILL have not built any solar projects. They seem to be selling the projects to other companies, so someone else can build them.
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5: Document stating, "a copy of the proposed application is available for public review at the Town of Grandview Town Hall" during regular business hours.
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6: Claim of taking 500 acres of farmland but only using 166 acres for solar.
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7: Claim that a decommissioning plan will be submitted:
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8: Claim the project does not have " any likelihood of any toxic materials contaminating the soil or groundwater"
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That is the maximum number of files I can attach per post, so I will continue this with another post.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
Posts: 87
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:17 am

Re: Grandview Project From the Beginning-12-12-23pg2

Post by David H »

Here are additional images taken minutes before the town meeting.

9: Vegetation Plan:
20191212_162927.jpg (2.55 MiB) Viewed 128794 times
10: Copy of site Preparation and seed planting.
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11: Mowing and weed practices.
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12: Hazardous Materials
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13: Solar Panel Construction
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14:In case of a Tornado, get good insurance
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15: Toxic Chemicals Used
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16: Lead and other chemicals used in Solar
20191212_163100.jpg (2.62 MiB) Viewed 128794 times
More images to come on next page
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
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Posts: 255
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:34 am

Re: Grandview Project From the Beginning-12-12-23pg3

Post by FTW »

# 17: Cadmium is Toxic
20191212_163108.jpg (2.84 MiB) Viewed 128776 times
#18: First Solar
(Note: FIrst solar lost 350 Million Dollar Lawsuit for hiding Solar Panel Flaws and other information. ... r-inc.html )
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#19: End of Life including hopes that recycling will be available in 30 years.
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#20: Electrical Transformers and Cooling Oil
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#21: Solar Panels Generate Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Radiation
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#22: Studies on Long Term Exposure to EMF and "some connection to increased cases of childhood leukemia."
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#23: If you have a pacemaker or other implanted device, you MAY have a concern.
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#24: Lies about Fire Safety ( Search for the lawsuit relating to 7 Walmart stores that caught fire due to solar panels, as well as 6 Amazon facilities that also caught fire.)
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Site Admin
Posts: 255
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:34 am

Re: Grandview Project From the Beginning-12-12-23pg4

Post by FTW »

#25 Summary & Credits
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#26: Decommissioning Plan (This is 5/24/23 and it Has NEVER been Filed YET)
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#27: Prior to the issuance of an ILP for the project, Company shall deliver to Town a performance or surety bond, a letter of credit or other financial assurance. (it is now 5/24/23, NOT 12/12/19 and according to a member of our county board, no bond has ever been paid by the current developer)
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#28: Disbursement of Security
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#29: Towns Right to Salvage Value
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#30: This agreement is with the TOWN, not the COUNTY. Is there an agreement with the county?
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#31: Miscellaneous
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#32: Company has the right to transfer the agreement to anyone they want to.
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