Grandview Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit

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David H
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Grandview Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit

Post by David H »

Attached is a copy of the Indiana Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit for the Grandview Indiana Commercial Solar Project.

This is a 873 page document, so we could really use as much help as possible from individuals to look through it and then copy and past individual paragraphs or sections that can be used to assist in our fight to prevent this project from being built on land that has never been legally approved for use as a Solar Project, as of 6/2/23.

Thank You
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Notice from Indiana Inspection dated 5/31/23 finds Developers Plans DEFICIENT[

The following attachment finds the Indiana Rule 5 Solar Developers plan is DEFICIENT in numerous areas that require it additional changes to the developers plan.


I will add additional comments ASAP, but I need to get this uploaded to one of our websites so our public officials can view it before they go home for the weekend.

Here is the updated file.
Grandview Solar Project 2023-5-31 PR.pdf
(294.42 KiB) Downloaded 33 times
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
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Re: Grandview Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit: 5.3 Soil Information

Post by David H »

Here is a samples of information I have copied from this document:

Notice the RE "Subject Title Addition" at the top of this post.

Section 5.3 Soil Information.
Based off the review of Terracon Geotechnical Report with a report date of Aug 1, 2022, the near surface soils could become unstable with typical earthwork and construction traffic, especially after precipitation events.

Effective drainage should be implemented early in the construction sequence and maintained after construction to reduce potential issues.

If possible, the grading should be performed during the warmer and drier times of the year.

If grading is performed during the wetter months, an increased risk for possible undercutting and replacement of
unstable subgrade will exist.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
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Re: Grandview Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit: 6.2 Historical Property Preservation

Post by David H »

Notice the RE subject that is listed on this reply.

16 archaeological sites (12Sp413–12Sp420, 12Sp422–12Sp425, 12Sp527, and 12Sp529–12Sp531) were previously recorded within the project area.

These archaeological sites were documented in the mid-1980s and there is inconsistent location information for most of them.

Therefore, a limited phase 1a archaeological survey was conducted to determine if the archaeological sites were accurately mapped, and to provide a preliminary examination of the sites’ extent and integrity.

This limited fieldwork was also intended assess the risk of project construction activities disturbing significant archaeological deposits at these locations.

Of the 16 site locations investigated, nine had no artifacts found at them at all.

(NOTE: What this report does NOT state is what was found in 50% of the sites that did NOT have any artifacts.)

If federal permitting is required for the project, it is recommended that a Phase 1a archaeological survey be conducted for any jurisdictional areas that would be affected by project-related ground disturbance.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
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Re: Grandview Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit 7.2.3 Land Use

Post by David H »

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Following construction, the site will operate as a solar energy generation facility, comprising over:

1793 acres of PV array, access roads, PV Inverters, a project substation, OH power transmission line and perimeter fence.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
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Re: Grandview Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit: 7.4 Construction Activity Description

Post by David H »

Notice the RE subject that is listed on this reply.
  • Preliminary tree clearing and grubbing may be required before grading activities commence.
  • There will be minimal grading of the access road for an equipment entrance.
  • Additional grading will be performed to allow for tracker installation to meet requirements for even grade.
  • Solar panels will be installed on piles that will be driven into the ground.
  • Inverter skids will be mounted on drive posts or concrete pads, and trenching will be done to install conduits and the
    underground collection system.
  • A fence will be installed around the perimeter.
  • The project is expected to be constructed primarily with wheeled equipment but tracked vehicles will be used for pile driving and possibly some other activities depending on ground conditions at the time of construction.
  • Non-grading construction activity will likely result in soils disturbance from wheeled and tracked equipment and vehicles.

  • Construction activity should be managed by the permittee to maintain less than 200 acres of disturbance at any given time.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
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Re: Grandview Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit: 7.6 Project Phasing/Sequencing

Post by David H »

Notice the RE subject that is listed on this reply.

The Grandview Solar Project will be completed in a rolling phase operation.
  • First of the block phases to commence construction is located to the west of the main laydown area segmented by
    County Road 350E and bordered to the west by County Road 300E.
  • Construction will then proceed to the east of County Road 350E , bordered to the east by Highway 245 and south by the
    Ohio River.
  • Construction will then proceed north into project sections bordered to the north by County Road 550 N and west by County Road 350E.
  • Final phased construction sections are located to the northwest of the main laydown area, segmented by County Road 600N and bordered to the west by County 350E.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
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Re: Grandview Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit: 8.0 Receiving Waters

Post by David H »

Notice the RE subject that is listed on this reply.

Onsite runoff is split into 15 drainage areas based on discharge locations and flow paths.

Project traverses across the following watersheds:

  • Sandy Creek (HUC 12: 051402010702),
  • Honey Creek (HUC 12: 051402010801),
  • City of Rockport-Ohio River (HUC: 051402010805),
  • South Yellow River Creek Fork-Ohio River (HUC 12: 051402010703)
The site has four ultimate discharge locations, all which ultimately drain to the Ohio River, which is located to the southeast of the project and flows south

Westwood performed the wetland delineation for the project and surrounding area with a Report
dated 2/04/2023.

According to the report, the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) data mapped:
  • two (2) freshwater emergent wetlands,
  • five (5) freshwater forested/shrub wetlands,
  • seventeen (17) freshwater ponds and
  • seventeen (17) riverine wetlands within the Project Area. H)
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
David H
Posts: 87
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:17 am

Re: Grandview Rule 5 Stormwater Runoff Permit: 10.2 Soil and Material Stockpile

Post by David H »

Notice the RE subject that is listed on this reply.
After clearing and grubbing, the operator(s) should strip and stockpile topsoil material for
reapplication on all future permanent pervious surfaces.
  • Topsoil (the soil which is on the surface prior to construction) varies in depth and must be separated from subsoils during clearing, grading and excavations or fill.
  • Contractor shall avoid mixing or contaminating topsoil with subsoils for all future pervious areas.
  • Temporarily stabilize topsoil stockpiles, as required, as detailed in section 10.4.
  • During final grading, reapplication of the preserved topsoil should be completed by a wide-pad dozer and other equipment to minimize compaction of the topsoil material.
  • Stockpile placement should be considered and planned by the contractor and updated in the plan set as construction progresses.
  • Place stockpiles in areas to minimize rework.
  • Never place stockpiles in swales, ditches, surface waters, buffer zones or outside of permitted disturbed
    limits of the project area.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
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