Audrain County, MO•Grain Belt & Solar Invasion

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Audrain County, MO•Grain Belt & Solar Invasion

Post by FTW »

The Audrain County, MO•Grain Belt & Solar Invasion is located at:

The site was started to help everyone that is being effected by the Transmission line called Tiger Connection and to feed information to everyone in and around Audrain County, Missouri.

We included solar and wind turbines because it is all connected.

We post our issues with the green renewable energy and how it is going to destroy our area?

We know these industrial solar farms, gigantic wind turbines and 160 foot transmission towers with 5,000 MegaWatts will destroy prime farmland, injure and kill thousands of birds, displace the deer and other wildlife creatures.

The toxins from the solar panels will leach into our water system.

The broken turbines and useless solar panels will have to be piled up with no place to go.

There will be blackouts because the cities will suck off our grid what they need it first.

Remember this is intermittent electricity, so it doesn't produce most of the time.
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