Over the last 3.5 years, I have attended multiple “meetings” put on by local residents that were protesting a solar or wind invasion.
I have also attended numerous meetings put on by county officials and pro-solar organizations, which were also attended by a number of anti-solar citizens that were speaking out in protest against solar.
The one thing I have noticed is the lack of any real organized group trying to protect ALL of the citizens of a county, state, country or our world.
So, here is my proposal. While I think it is great for individual towns or communities to have local meetings geared at protesting solar or wind projects, I would like to see a BOARD with a minimum of TWO representatives from each community, come together and hold meetings on a regular basis, where they can share information, plans and goals, in order to work together to achieve their goals.
Remember the phrase, UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.
It is time for us to get united. We NEED plans and goals. We need to know what others expect us to do. We need a road map for guidance.
Just like a weekly church service can “FILL YOU UP, Inspire you and Motivate You, I think we need regular updates, messages of inspiration and motivations.
So, here is my bullet list of ideas or suggestions and I would encourage EVERY citizen that is trying to save their own land or the county, to speak up and ADD to this list.
Please do more then simply give a thumbs up to this list. Add your ideas so this becomes a community effort.
• Take a POLL of local citizens and come up with a NAME for a Citizens GROUP.
• Create a Citizens Board for the aforementioned group, that will be comprised of TWO or more citizens from each local townships or community that is being threatened by a Commercial solar or wind project.
• Make sure that Citizens Board has a minimum of TWO people that have contacts with Zoning Board Members, Commissioners or other officials from other counties within the State of Indiana, so they can report on events happening elsewhere.
• Make sure that Board has at least TWO members that will communicate with local Elected County Board members, in order to be the Primary Contacts Representing the citizens group to share information to and from the local Elected County Board Members.
• Make sure there are a minimum of TWO PR reps that will contact and communicate with all local members of this Community Organization via email, social media and/or phone.
• Make sure there are at least TWO members assigned to obtain Yard Signs, Shirts, Caps and other promotional material so that anyone attending a county board meeting can be easily recognized as being AGAINST Commercial Solar or Wind Projects on Farmland in this County.
• Once the County Citizens Board is created, they should accept volunteers and/or appoint individuals from their respective communities, to specific jobs, such as:
◦ going door to door and speaking with local residents,
◦ submitting press releases to local news media, including in neighboring counties.
◦ Posting written articles on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and as many other sites as possible.
◦ Submitting news articles to Anti-Solar and Wind Websites.
◦ Research State Laws that can be used to help insure local Government officials are protecting us.
◦ Reach out to other County Anti-Solar groups and collect the names of Attorneys that have been successful in fighting Solar Developers and protecting counties, in your state.
◦ Set up a booth at local festivals to promote the county citizens group and share our message.
◦ Assign people to take video’s and photo’s of any illegal construction, comments, or activities that we can report to the proper authorities and any attorneys we hire.
Keep in mind this fight is going to take many years. Some people in the group will pass away, others will move away and some will simply quit fighting, so we will need to be constantly looking for new and fresh members to keep the passion going.
Now, those as “some” of my ideas. Lets see who else can add to this list and stand up to protect THEIR County and THEIR HOME.
Once you have an organization formed in your county, please post a link in this forum, so we can include you in a National and International listing of Organizations that are united in their fight against having the worlds farmland taken out of production by Commercial Solar and Wind Projects.
Articles about battles against the green energy war.
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