Wind Turbine Fire

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Wind Turbine Fire

Post by Angie »

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This article showed me another whole new issue with Wind Turbines.

I have known how disruptive the vibration and the "shadow Flicker" are on neighbors. And the annoying/maddening noise they create. And the possibility of fires. And that they cause MASSIVE debris at life end and non-existant disposal.

I had never heard about how shards of fiberglass can/will litter the earth whenever they are burning and spinning. This article tells how the hay from the hayfield near the turbine cannot be used because of the fiberglass in the hay.

Then, the responsible Wind company tells everyone that they have a "giant vacuum" that can clean it up, but . . . they don't use it, instead leaving the field still having fiberglass in it for the next cutting. Meaning the next cutting of hay will need to be destroyed, too.

It makes me SICK to see that these Mega Big Companies don't care a FIG about the people they hurt.

Sorry, but I needed to vent.
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