Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The following data comes from a newspaper clipping. I do not know the name of the Newspaper, however it was written by Kathy Tretter.
It discusses a Grandview Board of Zoning Appeals meeting, in the town of Grandview, Indiana located in Spencer County, IN 47615, that took place on the previous Thursday evening in the Town Hall.
Justin Wolf, Project Development Manager with Orion Energy Group, was in attendance seeking approval to erect a 500 acre solar field north of Grandview, within the town’s two mile fringe zone over which the town has jurisdiction.
Following Wolf’s detailed presentation, and after reviewing the finding of facts and answering questions, the project was approved.
While the solar field includes 500 acres, approximately 166 acres will be covered with panels, the remainder will feature open spaces and planted with a pollinator-friendly seed mix, local grasses and trees that will server as a buffer.
According to Wolf, studies show the cost of solar (and wind, in which Orion is heavily invested) is basically half the price of coal”
He explained the benefits that SHOULD be reaped by going forward. The tax benefit for the county is expected to total around $8 million-with another million for the Town of Grandview. The project will also put an annual revenue of $163,000 in the South Spence School Corporation’s coffers.
Wolf noted Hammond Township homeowners, farmers and business taxpayers will see a 3.7% reduction in property taxes and everyone’s electricity will cost less.
The 25 families who are leasing land for the field will benefit in various ways over the 30 year life of the project, with an opportunity for the land to lay fallow but still generate $12 million in revenue.
Building the field will take from 200 to 300 construction workers. The preliminary site plan shows the field will be located 100 feet off county roads and is designed to be 250 feet from any homes within the 500 acres. The panels are relatively low to the ground (six to eight feet at a full tilt) and all electric cabling is buried.
When it’s up and running, the solar filed will generate up to 80 or 85 megawatts of power for the gird, the equivalent to power about 12,000 homes. At present, no end user has been secured.
Wolf went through the process since the project’s inception, saying leasing efforts began in 2016. While no agreement had been reached with Vectren, the utility giant did submit a request for power this year and the Spencer County Council unanimously approved a tax abatement for the project.
He also went through commonly asked questions and tried to head off any potential objections and tried to head off any potential objects. There are no toxic materials other than trace amounts of lead in the solder.
“There is more toxic material in a cell phone or TV,” he explained.
The panels are made to withstand extreme weather conditions, including two inch hail strikes. There should be little or no glare, although until the trees grow, there is a slight possibility at dawn and dusk.
The panels will be turned to alleviate this and since the distance to any roadway will be 100 feet, he felt concern was minimal.
However that was one of the concerns expressed by Frank White.
Donnie Mallory asked, “Is it too late? Is there any way to stop this?”
Shane White added, “This is changing the life of everyone in this room. We moved to the country, who wants to be surrounded by panels?”
Another audience member noted the commentators do not live in town limits or within the buffer zone. No objections were raised by residents.
As with any project needing Board of Zoning Appeals approval, finding of fact must be addressed.
Orion’s attorney, Mary Tolliday, went through those for the benefit of BZA members and the audience.
She spoke of the visibility issue already raised, then noted no additional traffic, odors of other inconveniences will impact adjacent property owners.
The project has been designed to minimize impact on wetlands or timbered areas.
Agricultural activities can continue during the life of the solar farm and there will be no negative impact on property values.
Wolf also presented decommissioning plans. At the end of the 30 year lease, the panels and generating units will be dismantled and removed and the land transitioned back for agriculture. The town of Grandview will be named as beneficiary of the Restoration Fund.
Several conditions were added to those already approved and the findings of face met all requirements needed to approve the project.
Jim Harris made the motion to proceed, seconded by Kevin Myers and the vote carried.
When built, Grandview’s will be the largest solar project in the state, at least for a time.
Green Light Given to Grandview Solar Project
Re: Green Light Given to Grandview Solar Project
I would like to reply to the Newspaper article that was posted above.
I was at that meeting and can bring some light or expose a few lies.
To begin with, I do not consider that news article a news REPORT. I would consider it more of a one sided piece of propaganda.
I actually spoke with the person that wrote that article and requested that she meet with me later for factual information about the negatives of solar and she REFUSED to talk with me.
SO, this is my rebuttal.
The other 29 parcels are located outside the town limits. Yet when attending a town meeting, I was personally informed that I can not speak at the town meeting because I do not live in the town.
What has happened to the America I grew up in. When a town that I do not live in and have no voice in their meetings, can vote to destroy my neighborhood and I am not even allowed to protest.
To quote another line from the "news" article,
Now the local citizens that have spent decades or a lifetime paying off their mortgages, planting gardens, flower beds, building fish ponds, paying taxes, supporting the local schools, stores, and other businesses, are told they are worthless and the county or town doesn’t care about them.
The only thing these “public officials” seem to care about is more tax revenue. So they are willing to loose the local “country” residents, in order to get more tax money in their coffers. Bottom line, it is ALL ABOUT GREED.
Shame on them.
Indiana & Michigan Power Company has a Solar Power Rider attached to their bill [SPR] that allows them to “RECOVER” costs associated with investments in the St. Joseph Indiana Solar Project as approved by the Commission. This means I&M Electric Customers have to pay this SOLAR SURCHARGE in addition to their regular electric bill.
https://www.indianamichiganpower.com/li ... 2-5-9.pdf
“Duke Energy’s rate increase was approved by the state regulators in 2022. The current electric rates for residential customers will increase by 16%, or an increase of 24.6% from what customers paid from July to September 2021. For commercial customers, the rates will increase by less than 20.3% and for industrial customers, the rate will increase by less than 25.7%, according to filings. is asking for a 7.2% rate hike. “
Also CenterPoint filed for a rate hike for Customers in Pike, Gibson, Dubois, Posey, Vanderburgh, Warrick, and Spencer counties.
Another report came from lbj.com on September 19,2022 stating an Indiana Utility is seeking a 16.5% electric rate increase, however since we don’t have a subscription to that website, we were unable to find what what INDIANA electric company they are talking about.
Some of them have already passed away. So, who benefits from all these leases when the individuals that do not have children pass away. Is it the county tax coffers?
We also have a photo of the original map presented at the time of the Town Meeting. It listed 34 plots of land that will be taken out of production and 60 homes that are right next to those plots of land.
The 60 home owners will all end up with homes that will only be worth a fraction of the money they were worth, before this project was approved.
And one of the saddest things is that a local GREEDY realtor has actually been working FOR the solar developer by contacting property owners and trying to get them to lease their farmland.
Why a realtor would willingly take productive land in his own community off the market for 30, 40 or 50 years is beyond my understanding. I don’t know if he got 30 pieces of silver for each signature or not, but I hope someday he realizes jus t how many of his friends and neighbors he has hurt.
And I have documentation verifying the new company that took over the Grandview Project from Orion has worked to get Green Cards for employees.
In case anyone wonders how solar developers from California came to Indiana, you can thank Tom Utter from LincolnLand Economic Development CORPORATION. On 9/21/17 there is a report from a Spencer County Meeting with Orion where Tom Utter made the following statement.
I was at that meeting and can bring some light or expose a few lies.
To begin with, I do not consider that news article a news REPORT. I would consider it more of a one sided piece of propaganda.
I actually spoke with the person that wrote that article and requested that she meet with me later for factual information about the negatives of solar and she REFUSED to talk with me.
SO, this is my rebuttal.
No one seems to care or talk about the fact that of the 30 parcels of land that will be covered in Solar Panels, only ONE of them is inside the town of Grandview. And the ownership of that parcel of land changed in 2018, two years AFTER Orion started leasing farmland.Justin Wolf, Project Development Manager with Orion Energy Group, was in attendance seeking approval to erect a 500 acre solar field north of Grandview, “within the town’s two mile fringe zone over which the town has jurisdiction.”
The other 29 parcels are located outside the town limits. Yet when attending a town meeting, I was personally informed that I can not speak at the town meeting because I do not live in the town.
What has happened to the America I grew up in. When a town that I do not live in and have no voice in their meetings, can vote to destroy my neighborhood and I am not even allowed to protest.
To quote another line from the "news" article,
So, while 29 out of 30 properties are located outside of town, since the individuals that spoke up were not residents of the town, their objections were ignored.Another audience member noted the commentators do not live in town limits or within the buffer zone. No objections were raised by residents.
While the newspaper reported 500 acres, there were other reports of over 1,000 acres and as soon as I located the documented proof of that number, I will post it here. But my initial thought was that even with them only using 166 acres of the 500 acres, the fact is the entire 500 acres will be taken out of production as a provider of food, yet the land owners will not get paid for the acreage that is not used.“While the solar field includes 500 acres, approximately 166 acres will be covered with panels, the remainder will feature open spaces and planted with a pollinator-friendly seed mix, local grasses and trees that will server as a buffer.”
And there it is. Giant $$$ signs like a big shinny object to take the focus of any potential negative effects to the residents that are NOT getting paid and will have their property values reduced because no one wants to move to the country and have to look at miles of steel and glass surrounding them, instead of nature, wildlife and fresh air.“He explained the benefits that SHOULD be reaped by going forward. The tax benefit for the county is expected to total around $8 million-with another million for the Town of Grandview. The project will also put an annual revenue of $163,000 in the South Spence School Corporation’s coffers.”
Now the local citizens that have spent decades or a lifetime paying off their mortgages, planting gardens, flower beds, building fish ponds, paying taxes, supporting the local schools, stores, and other businesses, are told they are worthless and the county or town doesn’t care about them.
The only thing these “public officials” seem to care about is more tax revenue. So they are willing to loose the local “country” residents, in order to get more tax money in their coffers. Bottom line, it is ALL ABOUT GREED.
Shame on them.
LIES, LIES, LIES. I live in Hammond Township and Our Property taxes have gone UP and Electricity rates in the State of Indiana are also going up. Below is just a sample list of Indiana Electric Rates that have gone up within a year or two AFTER this meeting took place.Wolf noted Hammond Township homeowners, farmers and business taxpapers will see a 3.7% reduction in property taxes and everyone’s electricity will cost less.
Indiana & Michigan Power Company has a Solar Power Rider attached to their bill [SPR] that allows them to “RECOVER” costs associated with investments in the St. Joseph Indiana Solar Project as approved by the Commission. This means I&M Electric Customers have to pay this SOLAR SURCHARGE in addition to their regular electric bill.
https://www.indianamichiganpower.com/li ... 2-5-9.pdf
“Duke Energy’s rate increase was approved by the state regulators in 2022. The current electric rates for residential customers will increase by 16%, or an increase of 24.6% from what customers paid from July to September 2021. For commercial customers, the rates will increase by less than 20.3% and for industrial customers, the rate will increase by less than 25.7%, according to filings. is asking for a 7.2% rate hike. “
Also CenterPoint filed for a rate hike for Customers in Pike, Gibson, Dubois, Posey, Vanderburgh, Warrick, and Spencer counties.
Another report came from lbj.com on September 19,2022 stating an Indiana Utility is seeking a 16.5% electric rate increase, however since we don’t have a subscription to that website, we were unable to find what what INDIANA electric company they are talking about.
Here again, they use the $$$ shiny object without any explanation who, how, where and when. For example we know for a fact that with the exception of one small parcel of land that happens to be withing the town limits of Grandview and is owned by multiple families, a majority of the other property owners will not be alive in 30 years, due to their current age and health.“The 25 families who are leasing land for the field will benefit in various ways over the 30 year life of the project, with an opportunity for the land to lay fallow but still generate $12 million in revenue.
Some of them have already passed away. So, who benefits from all these leases when the individuals that do not have children pass away. Is it the county tax coffers?
We also have a photo of the original map presented at the time of the Town Meeting. It listed 34 plots of land that will be taken out of production and 60 homes that are right next to those plots of land.
The 60 home owners will all end up with homes that will only be worth a fraction of the money they were worth, before this project was approved.
And one of the saddest things is that a local GREEDY realtor has actually been working FOR the solar developer by contacting property owners and trying to get them to lease their farmland.
Why a realtor would willingly take productive land in his own community off the market for 30, 40 or 50 years is beyond my understanding. I don’t know if he got 30 pieces of silver for each signature or not, but I hope someday he realizes jus t how many of his friends and neighbors he has hurt.
But Orion did not state how many of those workers will be able to speak English or actually live in Spencer County. According to the track records of solar field installations, there are websites that are constantly advertising for temp construction laborers, including places that offer to help them get green cards.“Building the field will take from 200 to 300 construction workers.”
And I have documentation verifying the new company that took over the Grandview Project from Orion has worked to get Green Cards for employees.
In case anyone wonders how solar developers from California came to Indiana, you can thank Tom Utter from LincolnLand Economic Development CORPORATION. On 9/21/17 there is a report from a Spencer County Meeting with Orion where Tom Utter made the following statement.
You can read the entire report from that meeting at: https://nosolarwind.org/viewtopic.php?p ... tter#p1166Utter noted that while the project would yield no major job opportunities, that may also be a blessing. He noted that given the labor shortage in the area, it could be beneficial to have economic development that wouldn’t directly compete with more labor-intensive projects.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group: