Upcoming Richland Meeting 7-26-23

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Upcoming Richland Meeting 7-26-23

Post by Suzy »

Just saw this article in the Spencer County Leader regarding a Town Council meeting in Richland on 7/12 that, among other things, discussed the town’s solar ordinances and a buffer zone. The following was taken from the article:

“...prior to final adoption the Plan Commission must hold a hearing to receive public input, scheduled for Wednesday, July 26 at 5p.m. at the Richland Fire Station….”

Since the meeting is regarding the solar ordinances and the Buffer zone, everyone should show up to show support for NO SOLAR FARMS.

Below is a link to the SP Leader page that has an article about what happened at the 7-12-23 meeting, and the information about the upcoming meeting. Scroll down about 2/3 of the way down the page to see the article.
SP Leader 7-19-23 Richland.pdf
(111.15 KiB) Downloaded 46 times
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