Judge Rules Town MUST Approve Solar Project OUTSIDE TOWNS JURISDICTION

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Judge Rules Town MUST Approve Solar Project OUTSIDE TOWNS JURISDICTION

Post by FTW »

Judge Rules Town MUST Approve Solar Project OUTSIDE TOWNS JURISDICTION

It looks like it is time for Spencer County Indiana Residents to unite and FIGHT.

Personally, I think it is a shame that We The People have to go through all of this, simply to protect our homes and land.

But, due to the inept, ignorant or just plain lazy government officials, it seems like our only hope to survive in this county and possibly in this state, is to pool our resources and hire our own attorney to help cover the cost of appealing this decision.

Because if we don't stop this from happening on county property outside of Grandviews Legal Boundaries, NO PERSON in this county will be safe from these ruthless Solar Developers.

Below is a copy of the Judges Ruling.
Findings of Fact, Conclusions an.pdf
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Re: Judge Rules Town MUST Approve Solar Project OUTSIDE TOWNS JURISDICTION

Post by Matilda »

It is unbelievable that a judge would order a town to issue something for property that they have NO legal control of.

Even worse, the people in that area have NO representation or say in the town board.

I thought that this was America where this kind of treatment was illegal.
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