Madison County Indiana Extending a Moratorium

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David H
Posts: 87
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:17 am

Madison County Indiana Extending a Moratorium

Post by David H »

Attached is a copy of a Moratorium Extension that was successfully enacted in Madison County Indiana.
Read below about the Moratorium in Madison County.
Also our attorney Jason Kuchmay gave a presentation to the Delaware County Commissioners and got them to enact a Moratorium.

Jason had presented a binder to each of those Commissioners. When Jason is speaking to them, he is going through certain Tabs in that binder & explaining things as to WHY they should enact a Moratorium.

Attached below is the current paperwork that our county signed in December. It first was made by the Planning Commission to make a favorable recommendation to the Board of Commissioners to keep our moratorium in place. It was a unanimous YES by all planning members. Then the Commissioners voted YES too and it was made official at the end of December.

The wording may need tweaked a little as we were extending an already existent Moratorium that was in place, but expected to expire 12-31-22.
Solar Moratorium Ordinance.2023.pdf
(75.91 KiB) Downloaded 30 times
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
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