Step 5: Setting the SSL Security For Your Website

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Step 5: Setting the SSL Security For Your Website

Post by FTW »

One of the first things you will need to do, BEFORE you start setting up your first website, will be to create a SSL.

Start by logging into your cPanel, Plesk panel or what ever control panel you have purchased.


This is an important section of your control panel because it allows you to set up SSL certificates. Basically that allows you to have extra security on your website by using the https instead of http as part of your domain name. It also allows you to set up Two-Factor Authentication which is becoming more important for security reasons.

Getting a SSL for your site, is extremely important if you are going to log into your website from a browser window or ask anyone else to log into your website.

Click on the images below to enlarge them.


Start by clicking on the icon for "Let's Encrypt"


Now click on the words ISSUE


Next you need to choose the name of the website you want to encrypt.

The "main" site is usually set up automatically, however you can also place a check mark on the mail "mail" and the "www"

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to click on the SUBMIT at the bottom of the page. At this point you are finished with this section and can move on to creating your email account.
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