A new Website and a Letter to Indiana Senator Todd Young

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A new Website and a Letter to Indiana Senator Todd Young

Post by FTW »

The following document was posted in a Facebook group at: www.facebook.com/groups/amval/ if anyone wants to respond without logging into this website.

Want to Vent, Complain, Expose or Speak Out?

I am thinking about setting up a new website and I would like to find out just how many people might use it, either to just read or to post things.

Here is the concept. A place for people to VENT, speak out, expose or complain about elected officials, neighbors, businesses, websites, social media, products they bought, unreasonable laws or rules, policies, etc.

There are several thoughts behind this. To begin with, most of us know or have heard of someone that “exploded” either verbally or physically. Usually it is not just one thing that makes a person explode, but the accumulation of things that build up over a long period of time. If they had a place available where they could write out a letter, venting their aggravation, it may help them get it out of their system instead of building into something bigger.

The flip side is the publishing of these problems “could” help solve some of the problems people are complaining about. Who knows, it could inspire other individuals to run for a political office to replace incumbents, or a higher level administrator to fire an employee, or some government agency representative to look into a problem, or even some business to change their advertisements or website designs.

So, if anyone would like to comment in the pros or cons of a website like this, please comment here or send me a pm.

As an example of the type of comments I am writing about, I am including a letter I wrote this morning to the State Director for a U.S. Senator.


To: Andrew J. Kossack 
State Director 
U.S. Senator Todd Young 
Thank you for responding, but we have been waiting 8 months since you sent your "reply" stating Senator Young was "looking into the issue I recently presented to him" regarding Industrial solar farms surrounding homes, starting fires and leaking toxic cancer causing chemicals into our ground water.
During that time, Orion Renewables has expanded from developing TWO solar projects in our county, each one removing over 1,000 acres of farm land. Now they are working on 4 additional projects in the same county, plus projects in other counties within the state.

Unlike some politicians, I have not been sitting idle. I am organizing citizens to fight back against the solar and wind industry as well as against elected officials that are taking money and campaign donations from fake green energy companies.

One of the area's we are fighting against is allowing energy companies, (Vectren  or Country Mark) to build Industrial Solar Developments, (not farms) on agricultural land without having to get permission from or abide by local zoning regulations, as they did in Troy, Indiana.

Another area that is being neglected is the erosion that is being caused and no one, not the USDA District Conservationist, County Surveyor, nor anyone from the state or fed has investigated the drainage from these solar plants that are letting the erosion from their fields, drain into the local rivers. Hell, we even have the county seat of Spencer County ADMIT to the newspapers that raw sewage is being dumped into the Ohio river and has been for several years, in spite of them having received a mandate to stop it.

All of this crap being allowed to seep into local wells, ditches and rivers is AGAINST federal laws, yet no one seems to be paying attention, or trying to stop it. Much like the election fraud that was "allowed" to take place, so this country could be destroyed, yet Republicans didn't have the b*lls to stand up and fight back. Now we are all paying the price.

So, basically, thanks for nothing. You guys are worthless and until someone stands up and fights for us, the conservative citizens of America, I will NEVER vote for another lying, ineffective, money grubbing incumbent elected official in my life and I am using the 30+ websites I own, to encourage others to follow my lead.
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