Stop Solar Farms DeKalb County - Indiana

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Stop Solar Farms DeKalb County - Indiana

Post by FTW »

According to Solar they are producing the cleanest (if you ignore the hydrocarbon intensive process of creation), the most efficient (if you ignore the obvious intermittent nature wreaking havoc in the grid), and the cheapest (if you ignore all the subsidies) power around.

And speaking of subsidies, incentives, credits, or whatever we prefer to call them the point remains that large amounts of wealth are transferring from tax payers to large corporations and the government.

Let's consider the situation here.

These solar companies are getting what equates to 50,000 per acre in government subsidies and they do not want to pay their local taxes.

They do, however, have plenty of money to fight against the locals.

Thus far we count Thalassa and EDF fighting actively against us.

Now Geenex the company who originally garnered the land has taken up the fight.

They have brought in Hoosiers for Renewables and the Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy.

Wait we were right it looks like there is another that specializes in "Greenwashing".

Good Steward has been inquiring around Butler.

Apparently we are doing something right.

Stop Solar Farms DeKalb County - Indiana
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