Block Green Energy Liberals from Forcing Their Wants, Down Our Throats

Discussions relating to the hidden cost of Solar and Wind Projects.
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Block Green Energy Liberals from Forcing Their Wants, Down Our Throats

Post by Widowmaker »

American Cities and States Need a Strategy That Works to Block Green Energy Liberals from Forcing Their Wants, Down Our Throats.

It has become apparent that many Solar and Wind Developers have learned certain techniques from the Organized Crime Families, Unions, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and other sources that have made millions of dollars through coercion and threats.

It seems the Green Energy Industry has been threatening to sue cities and states, if they don’t allow developers to install solar and wind projects.

For several years now, we have noticed the practice of solar and wind developers suing local jurisdictions in order to FORCE them to give the developers permission to install what ever they want to install, wherever they want to install the projects.

We are not talking about one lawsuit and then going away. It seem some companies are suing the same jurisdictions over and over, until the companies win.

You have to wonder WHY would a corporation spend so much money fighting to install a project someplace where they are not wanted?

Unlike retail businesses that NEED the support of local residents, the Green Energy Companies don’t care if you like or want them in your town. All they care about is making a quick buck and then selling their development to China or some other foreign entity.

Doesn’t that sound a lot like Al Gore, that went from being a Green Energy Activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner for his environmental activism — that literally sold out all of his supporters when he traded his Cable TV Network to Big Foreign Oil to the tune of $100 million. (See ... axes-on-it) for details.

So, how long will it take for the Green Energy Companies to destroy our land, by mining all of the metals they need to build these solar and wind projects, then letting the hazardous waste and broken pieces of garbage sink into the earth so future generations can pay to clean it up?

And what will the taxpayers have left in their pockets when the towns, states and Federal Governments raise our taxes and our energy bills, so that we can pay for the greed of the developers and the fear of the local city or county councils?

You know what they say. If you don’t stand up and fight when they come for your friends and neighbors, by the time they come for you, there will be no one left to fight.
David H
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Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:17 am

Re: Block Green Energy Liberals from Forcing Their Wants, Down Our Throats

Post by David H »

BENNINGTON — The Vermont Environmental Court has dismissed a complaint filed against the town of Bennington by solar project developer Allco Renewable Energy Ltd.

Attorney Merrill Bent, representing both the town and Bennington County Regional Commission in the matter, had filed a motion to dismiss, contending in part that the appeal and complaint were not proper for the venue.

In a decision released, the court agreed.

“The Environmental Court ruled that the plaintiffs brought their claims in the wrong court,” Bent said. “The plaintiffs already knew that, because we told them that when they filed this case.

It appears that the plaintiffs are focused on burning taxpayer dollars, not on what the law says.”

A limited liability corporation related to the solar developer challenged the adoption of Bennington’s new Energy Plan, contending that it did not comply with provisions of Chapter 117, the state’s 2016 energy planning legislation, and that it violated the developer’s constitutional rights.

Chapter 117 is intended to give more deference before the state Public Utility Commission to communities over the siting of large energy projects.

Allco Renewable Energy has at least three commercial solar projects in the planning or permitting stages for sites in Bennington.

A company spokesman said that further court appeals are likely concerning the energy siting issues raised in the Environmental Court complaint.

This attitude is typical of the Solar Industry. If a town or the citizens don't want commercial or industrial solar projects in their neighborhood, the response from the Solar Industry is F you, telling the residents and town leaders we will FORCE you to accept our plans or you will have to pay a ton of money to attorneys while we continue to sue you in court.

If the solar industry continues to get away with these strong arm tactics, no town or citizen in this country will be safe.

We need to unite, stand together and raise enough money to fight every industrial solar project in this country, or we will not have any farm land or neighborhoods that are safe from a takeover by any organized industry that wants us to become their slaves.
David H.
Group Admin for the Stop Solar Farms Facebook Group:
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